Ashley O'Dell and Rhonda Roland Shearer
Jul 8, 2004, 23:56
On June 27, 2004, the BBC reported on an Iranian woman who gave birth to a frog. Their story originated from the Persian paper Etemaad.
The BBC published a photo of a frog with the caption "Tests are being carried out on the frog."
This photo has since been replaced with a map of Iran due to our complaint.
The pairing of this photo and caption implies that the frog in the photo is the Iranian woman's "frog child." It also implied that tests are being carried out on this very frog. However, we discovered that the frog in the photo is not even native to Iran.
David Dickey of the American Museum of Natural History identified the frog in the BBC photo as a Chinese Gliding Frog, Polypedates dennysi, found only in southern China. He noted that students remembered seeing this species at the museum's current frog exhibition. Dickey called the
frog child story "the worst, most ridiculous example" of bad journalism he had ever seen.
Dickey recommended speaking to the world expert on Chinese frogs, Kraig Adler, Professor of Biology and Vice Provost for Life Sciences at Cornell University.
Dr. Adler told us that the frog child storis "biologically impossible."