Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Baghdad Bridge Stampede

I have no idea how the death tolls of the Baghdad Bridge Stampede rose from
186-420 in less that 1 minute! This is like the gates to hell have opened and people are trying to rush out crushing and killing each other with the weight of their bare bodies!
Here is the Reuters Article

Regardless of the religio/political reasons behind this stampede, I'm simply devastated at the numbers of ppl dying in Iraq over most of the time worthless reasons. Every time there is a world catastrophe of some sort, we become obsessed to find out if any of our loved ones have been killed or even hurt. How do the people in Baghdad for example wake up and go to work, school or playground knowing that on an at least weekly base a friend, relative, neighbor or playmate will be hurt and even Killed! How does one go on?

Lord! CNN just announced 635...


Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

the whole world has gone bezerk!!!....I get so depressed reading the papers or watching the news...7arram...something's gotta give....enough!....Allah yessa3edhom

3:59 AM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

I sad, makes you wonder how long before we begin to get used such violence and catastrophes, or have we already?

5:51 AM  
Blogger MBH said...

I read over the newspaper this morning that they tolled to 1000 :/

"How do the people in Baghdad for example wake up and go to work, school or playground..."
Most of them still don't work, the men that is.

The reason this incident occured is Al-Qaida. They blasted some locations near the place people were visiting, then someone yelled that there are people wrapped with explosives. So everyone ran for their lives. Those who fell, were stepped upon.

11:13 PM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

Well about 15% of Iraqis have jobs. That's roughly 4,000,000 workers!

12:49 AM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

Well Said
We're free of "Fear" that haunts them even in their sleep.
It would be nice for them to experience the freedom we do.

1:08 AM  
Blogger Equalizer said...

This tells you how scared people are! I remember after a few days of sirens during the war on Iraq 2 years back, people were walking in the streets as if its a test siren. Fear plays a big part on how people behave. Imagine that happening during haj time. People not accustomed to daily bombings wouldn't mind much. Atleast to this extent.

4:00 AM  
Blogger Peach said...

Something's gotta give! :/ I keep saying that too bas nothing looks like it's gonna happen any time soon.

4:43 AM  

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