Monday, August 29, 2005

Things to do when you wake up in the middle of the night!

For the past week or so, I've been getting up right before sunrise and continue to stay up until 6 or so. I think my body now got used to waking up at this time. It really is quite annoying because even if I sleep later, I wake up late and tired as well! Weird things happen to your body when you stop working out! But hang on, I kindda did work out yesterday, I was at the chalet all day Wake&Knee boarding, I even Kayaked! Anyways, I've compiled a list of things to do when you're up before everyone else:

  1. Watch "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (My facination with this series requires a complete blog entry)
  2. Watch BBCfood, Discovery, Civ, Paramount
  3. Hi5
  4. Blog reading
  5. Munch!

Hang on, as I write this..I am realizing that this series (Curb your enthusiasm) is the reason why I get up in the middle of the night! I am so addicted to that show that I can't get enough of it, even during my sleep I crave it! heh, why waste time sleeping when you can watch Larry David make an ass out of himself? I can overrelate and overidentify with this show! (Is overrelate a word?, oh it is)

My life is like a "Seinfeld" Show, the people I know are just as bizzare and even as static as the stock characters on that show! Somedays I feel like Jerry, overanalyzing, being cynical and anally retentive! Others as funny and bubbly as Elain, many days I'm as Akward as George, as Clumsy as Kramer, as malliscious as Newman!

Now time to bring an end to this random blog entry by listing things I'd rather do when I wake up before everyone:
  1. Read! It's been so difficult to read anything more than 4 pages lately, I can't seem to concetrate or get lost in literature the way I used to. Need bring back the habit again!
  2. Meditate and do Yoga on a mountain or hilltop in spreads of green or snow.
  3. Meditate quitely in the Zen Gardens, temples to the bells gongs of prayer.
  4. Walk on the side of an easy river, sit on a rock and dip my toes in the running water. Look for fishies and trail a floating leaf with my gitty eyes out of site.

Aaaah, life is more beautiful when we cease to be insatiable....


Blogger Purgatory said...

You are human!

9:46 PM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

I am?

12:51 AM  
Blogger Purgatory said...

yes, this is the most "human" like post I have read for you!

2:18 AM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

Sharp observation, I suppose I’m constantly trying to portray and maintain a certain persona. I’ll try to post more “earthly” “human” and “Personal” blogs.


Larry David is the co-creator of Seinfeld. It’s an HBO reality-like series that revolves around his wife, work, manager and everyday life of a Hollywood personality. A lot of what goes on is related to his involvement in the show “Friends” and how it became an intrinsic party of his everyday life, affecting everything around him; the people he meets and the conversations and incidents that take place.
Warning: Watching this show can lead to weird conversations with people such as
Amunki: What’s the deal with Burj Al 7amam
MamaFusla: What is it?
Amunki: It’s neither a Burj, nor does it contain any 7amam.
MamaFusla: Could the concept creator be a “M6ayerchi”

Mama Fusla: You know that song by Black Eyed Pea! “Just shut up?”
Equalizer: Yeah!
Mama Fusla: You know how Fergi goes “Shut up just shut up shut”!
Equalizer: Aha.
Mama Fusla: Isn’t the 2nd and 3rd “Shut up” a bit too redundant? Once someone shuts up the 1st time, how can they shut up again? How can you shut someone up who have already shut up?

4:36 AM  
Blogger Purgatory said...

I am known to be observent, or is it observant? if you observer an ant, would you then be called an observer or observant? if you were a fat observer of ants, would you be called a obeseverant?

8:03 AM  
Blogger Equalizer said...

I seriously thought that these are things to do in your daily life, until I read the title again ....mmmmmm :p

9:13 AM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

What if you observe an ant that desperately needed to vent? Are you then an Observent or Observant?
Obeseverant you say? why if you can ObserVentingAnt?

Well, if I was trying to go back to sleep, that wouldn't be a problem. I could then do the following:
- Have an Aromapathic Bath (Lavender)
- Drink Warm Milk
- Do relaxing yoga and meditation
- Read a boring book or blog!

But it's not the case, I simply didn't mind being up...

10:01 AM  
Blogger Purgatory said...

thats something that never came to my mind, you are a fusla indeed.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

Glad you ended it, it could have gone forever. (Seinfeld-esque moment) Btw, I'm itiching for the next season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm".

I thought I had enabled the word verification script! why isn't it working. Darn, I hate not getting things right from the 1st time, but as Purg says..After all, I'm only Human! heeeeeeeh..(ChiChing!)

2:17 PM  
Blogger Mama Fusla said...

The Bull
I thought cold showers woke you up? and search "Fusla". Its been defined.

3:57 AM  

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