The Stars I luv to Hate! [3x3]
Three reasons why I dislike these three actors:
Tom Cruise
1. I can’t take him seriously: looks like he’s about to burst out laughing
2. He’s too tiny & animated
3. Too emotional: jumping on Opera’s couch reminds me of Rick James stomping Charlie Murphy’s couch [Dave Chappelle Show] “I F**ked Yo Couch Nigga” Keanu Reeves
1. Who on earth is called Keanu? Sounds like a name for a animation heroin!
2. Keanu will always be Ted from Bill & Ted’s not so excellent adventures!
3. He’s more feminine looking than I am!Denzel Washington
1. His Stock Rolls!: too much of the good guy who saves the day!
2. T.W.S. [Tiger woods syndrome]: The only time he stopped believing he was white was in MALCOM X!
3. Simply Kaifi!
I agree with all your choices
wv: bnzta (wella bn douglas?)
Good choices...I'm looking forward to the female actors!
hehe, I'm emaraty. The reason I complain on my bog is because I'm sick of them complaining, whining and nagging to me! ;)
Dear Mama Fusla,
I confess.
Back in the days when I was young and innocent.. where Tom was mixing, stirring, and shaking drinks at that Jamaican bar, I thought he was a god.
Just like I thought Rob Lowe was hot after that one-night stand with Demi Moore.
I know better now. And I couldn't agree with you more.
You agree? YOU AGREE..hmm [whats the catch?]
bndouglas..hahahah classic!
Well then welcome to the nagging club & btw..nice foto. u dive? How is the diving in Dubai..Overrated I hear + too much under current ie. Drift diving only..
hahahah, well make way in the confession booth cos I iz been guilty of such nasty crushes, the only 2 I don't regret are Mel Gibson & The god of all gods. JOHNNY OH SO SEXY DEPP!
wv: uezcqzf [I iz sick? You is plain nasty..]
Oh and goba
plus the reclaimation of 30% of your regional water doesn't exactly encourage marine life!
wv: tcupkk [No thanx absenth on the rox o salla7o]
Yeah, I thought Tom Cruise was a god in "A Few Good Men".. But I was a kid then, so you can forget about it..
But if you'd like to visit a site where there are a whole lot more hotter guys, go to
I hope you like it. :D
Denzel Washington: sorry this is my fav at least raraly ma ykon 7beeb :D o ra3ee banat
Thanks mama F. Ya I dive, but haven't dived in Dubai actually..I heard it's nice though..I guess it depends where you go.
I mite be planning a trip sometime soon.
yA, MARINE life here is on the rocks but what can we do?
apparently they found some natural corals while constructing on the sea...
Too bad we wont be seeing alot of them.
I bet he'd be better starring in 'A few lame scientologest men'
but what an amazing link! I can't believe I've never heard of this before..THANX Oh so much!
Sorry but I can't stand him! Chinna Robot!
o ba3dain shino ya3ni
"raraly ma ykon 7beeb :D o ra3ee banat"
raraly = Ay Ralley?
7beeb = ya3ni khosh adimi ra3ee diwaween?
ra3ee banat= ya3ni he's not a pimp daddy? and that makes him HOT! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
drive trip in Dubai or elsewhere!?
I still haven't gone diving in Sharm!
Like a kid whose never been to Disney world!
wv: bxuya [Bux ya shino? gool]
Planning a dive trip in the Northen Emirates.
I dove in Sharm, it's great there!
You gotta do it!
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